How to Use Crowd Control Barriers to Ensure Your Next Event Goes Smoothly?

by | Jul 30, 2019 | Uncategorized

At any event, the safety of everyone involved is of paramount importance. When it comes to Nashville events, large crowds can bring risks that can be difficult to control. Fortunately, through the proper use of crowd control barriers, you can help to significantly reduce these risks to help your event go safely and smoothly. Here are a few tips for effective use of these barriers.

Leave Space

When sectioning off certain areas using crowd control barriers, it’s important to leave space around and between the sections to allow for event personnel to pass through. The last thing you want is for event personnel to be stuck getting from place to place while working their way through a large, boisterous crowd. Depending on where a certain section is located, you may also want to leave enough room for emergency response vehicles to pass through safely.

Be Flexible

Crowd barriers, just like every other aspect of your event venue, must be ADA compliant to ensure you are able to serve every person who comes to your event (and to avoid the risk of a lawsuit). With this in mind, it’s important to include access points for wheelchairs, scooters, and other mobility devices at strategic points throughout your barriers. To ensure these points are easily seen, mark them clearly with brightly-colored signs and place event staff at each position to offer assistance if needed.

Right for the Job

It’s important to realize that there are several different types of crowd control barriers that you can choose from for your event. In many cases, it’s a good idea to use several different types of barriers depending on the activities that are taking place in a specific location. For example, if you’re setting up for a concert, the crowd at the ticket window will likely be less boisterous and unpredictable than the crowd during the actual concert. To account for these differences, different types of barriers can be used to provide the most effective crowd control for each area. For a wide variety of crowd barriers, contact the event pros by visiting the website.

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