How to Feel More at Home in a New-to-You Non-Denominational Church

by | Feb 21, 2020 | Church

If you’ve recently joined a new church, the most important thing you can do is to become a part of their community as quickly as possible. When you’re starting on this journey, however, it can be difficult to know where to begin. While non-denominational churches in Jacksonville, FL, can do a lot to surround you with community, there are also steps you can take to feel more at home when you’re in church. Here are a few ideas to help get the process started.

Join a Class

When you’re with an entire congregation for worship, it can be difficult to truly get to know people. While the singing and the teaching can certainly draw you close to God, you also want to be close to the people you’re worshipping alongside. That’s why it’s crucial that you join some type of class or other small group as soon as possible after you join a church. This intimate setting will give you a chance to get to know people better, allowing you to feel more at home.


Another great way to get “plugged in” to non-denominational churches in Jacksonville, FL, is to find one or more ways to serve. Serving in an area of giftedness is a great way to meet similarly gifted people and build up God’s Kingdom in big and small ways. While some churches have limitations on where new members can serve, it’s still a good idea to see what’s available so you can better discern where God may be leading you to serve.

For a church that will help you feel right at home, contact Southpoint Community Church at

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